Full time daily nanny Chelsea SW3

2025-02-12 | Abbeville Nannies | Chelsea | ENG | United Kingdom

Perks & Benefits:


Full time daily nanny in Chelsea SW3 for mix of sole charge and shared care of two girls currently ages 17 months and 3 years, with third baby due in August. Hours 8am-6.30pm Mon-Fri, starting March/early April. Do not need to drive. The The family employ a housekeeper who launders and irons the children's clothes. When the newborn baby arrives the nanny will take the lead in caring for the newborn in order to help ease the transition for the two girls. The parents would like the nanny to feel like part of the family and feel comfortable. All food and expenses (including holidays) will be provided. Nanny card also included. The family are very happy for their nanny to take taxi’s and public transport with the children. The nanny will have autonomy to book daily activities and classes they feel are appropriate. They will also be able to select their own holiday dates beyond the bank holidays. The family have full membership of Purple Dragon. They also have memberships to local outdoor spaces such as Burton Court, the Chelsea Physic Gardens and Battersea Children’s Zoo, which they are happy for their nanny to utilise. The family requires holiday travel a few times a year.

  • AreaChelsea SW3
  • StartingFeb/March/April
  • Hours8am-6.30pm Mon-Fri
  • Rate£19-20 gross/hr
  • RefSL1002

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