Student Assistant

2025-01-14 | GESIS - Leibniz-Institut fur Sozialwissenschaften e.V. | Köln | NW | Germany

Perks & Benefits:

  • Flexible Arbeitszeiten

GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences is an internationally active social science institution of the Leibniz Association funded by the federal and state governments.

For the next possible date, our Department Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences (KTS), Team Big Data Analytics, located in Cologne, is looking for a

Student Assistant

(€ 13,25 / € 14,09 hourly wage, 40 hours per month, temporary)

The Department Knowledge Technologies for the Social Science (KTS) conducts research at the intersection of information retrieval, natural language processing, semantic technologies and human information interaction as the basis for innovative web portals and platforms for the search and use of research data. KTS innovations are based on a state-of-the-art software stack and research-based innovations in the aforementioned areas.

Your tasks will be:

  • To support in setting up open-source tools for validating code that represents computational methods in social science research.
  • To validate methods for code reusability and review for compliance to guidelines.
  • Preparation of results, reports, and presentations

Your profile:

  • Studying computer science, software engineering or related programs
  • Good understanding of Python and R programming languages
  • Interest in software review and validation
  • Proficiency in English and German (optional)
  • Strong documentation skills to keep thorough and organized records

Our Benefits:

  • A growing, international working environment with access to unique datasets
  • Flexible working hours and the possibility of up to 60% mobile working within Germany
  • Very good conditions for reconciling work and family life
  • Holistic company health management and discounted participation in the university's sports program

For more information on the areas of responsibility, please contact Taimoor Khan by phone +49(221)47694-719 or by e-mail. If you have any questions about the application process, please contact Franca Tosetti by e-mail.


Please apply via our Online-application portal until 04.02.2025.

The reference number is: SHK-KTS-13

GESIS offers an exciting working environment for interdisciplinary research at the interface between social sciences and computer science. As an infrastructure facility, we serve to promote social science research and are in close cooperation with renowned international research institutions.

With us, you will work in an international environment in the heart of Cologne and benefit from a flexible working environment.

GESIS ensures compliance with the Directives on Severely Disabled Persons and promotes professional equality between women and men. As a family-friendly employer, we have been certified audit since 2010 "berufundfamilie".

More information can be found here.

Find out more jobs in Köln, NW, Germany (DE)

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